CHRISTMAS December is here! We can officially put up the decorations AND it's snowing here in chilly Northumberland. Our Central...

OK so our "seed to cup" photo is actually a bit off protocol - it's to do with used coffee...

Photo credit MSC. We thought it would be highly appropriate in our "seed to cup" photo series to feature the...

The photo showcased for this month's newsletter is of our Lempira famer Anastacio. In this photo he is manually...

What is Q Grading? The Specialty Coffee Association (SCAA) created the Q Grade Program in 2004 to help provide a consistent, credible...

Customer question: What is Specialty Coffee? It's coffee but with standards, all through the value chain from farmer to roaster...

We are very excited to announce we have new 200g bags that are plant based material and 100% compostable (recycling...

And here we are in May and we are loving the better weather (not to mention the reopening of life...

You may have noticed when you check out your coffee we don't charge shipping fees. Instead, we ask you to...

Well that's February over and it's lovely to see the glimpses of Spring and warmer weather on it's way. Thinking...