Farmer Anastacio, originally from Gualdalla, moved to San Sebastian for school at age 6, then to Plan del Limon, Carrizalito. He dropped out in fourth grade to help his father farm grains due to financial struggles from low coffee prices. In 2008, seeking better opportunities, he immigrated illegally to the US with his brother-in-law but returned after 22 tough months. Determined to improve, he focused on specialty coffee farming, now managing 14.79 hectares in el Remolino, Agua Fria, Lempira, with his family. His coffee and business is a success.
We interviewed Anastacio in 2021 about Specialty Coffee and the environment, you can watch that HERE.
Anastacio was also our first farmer to get his equipment from our #tipthefarmer campaign, you can watch the video HERE.
From Lempira, Honduras. Specialty SHG (Strictly High Grown). Lempira coffee is harvested at 1,850 meters above sea level.
This is an all day coffee! This coffee is bright and medium-bodied with chocolate and citrus notes; try to detect the initial floral notes on the tip of your tongue.
100% Arabica Beans
Altitudes: 1,850 M.A.S.L.
Location: Lempira,
Common Varieties: Bourbon, Lempira, Red Catuaí, Pacas, IHCAFÉ 90, Catimor.
Profile: Bright and medium-bodied
Notes: Floral, Chocolate, Tropical Fruits
Single Estate, Strictly High Grown (SHG)